Big Sky Editing Services

Professional Copyediting
Copyediting involves line-by-line editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, flow, and voice. There are two levels of copyediting that I can offer:
Mechanical Editing
A mechanical edit ensures the nuts and bolts of your copy are functioning correctly, like a smoothly running machine. Is your grammar sound? Does your punctuation work well? Are your word choices optimal, or is there some wording that could be stronger or more concise? These are all aspects I consider when I do mechanical editing.
Substantive Editing
With a substantive edit, I become more involved with the copy, massaging it to help it shine. This is where I do some reorganizing when needed, ensuring ideas flow logically from one to the next. I can also improve the tone in places to make it consistent throughout the piece or help it to more effectively speak to the intended audience.
Everything done with a mechanical edit is also done here, but when doing substantive editing, I can get more involved in reshaping a piece of writing (only when necessary, of course!). This takes a bit more time, so I charge slightly more. (But it’s worth it!) When you’ve incorporated my edits, the text will be ready to publish. In some cases, you may want to hire a proofreader to take a final look.

Professional Proofreading
Proofreading is usually the last stop before publishing and includes catching every possible mistake such as misspellings, spacing and line-break issues, incorrect page numbers, and more. For a piece of writing to be ready for proofreading, it needs to already be carefully edited by the writer or someone else. During proofreading, I take several passes to ensure I catch every possible mistake. I have a reliable system for ensuring that everything gets flagged.
Deliverables I Commonly Edit and Proofread
Blog posts
Brochure copy
Cover letters
Marketing copy
Nonfiction books
Website text
White papers
Need a style guide? If you’d like me to build you a custom writing style guide that captures your organization’s preferences for wording, capitalization, punctuation, and more, I can create that for you as a primary or additional offering.
Have another type of project? Please feel free to contact me and inquire as to whether or not we may still be a good fit.
Although estimates may vary, I generally charge 3 cents per word for proofreading, 4 cents per word for mechanical editing (basic copyediting) and 4.25 cents per word for more in-depth substantive copyediting. When a project is particularly complicated, I may charge an hourly rate instead, which is $40 per hour. I will let you know upfront how much I expect that the project will cost.
Not sure what type of editing you need?
Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what type of editing you need. It can also be challenging to compare different editors when so many different terms are being thrown around. If you’re feeling unsure, I offer a free consultation to discuss your project. I’m happy to offer my thoughts and insights to help you understand your best path forward. I have also written an article that explains the differences between common types of editing, which may help. You can find it posted below.
Ready to Connect?
Please let me know a little about your project using the form below and I’ll get back to you soon!